Silt: Freshwater Edition
June 15th - 7pm

Silt is an evening of performance. Through a public open call, five artists are each provided with 15 minutes to present an action, event, or performance. Silt was originally started for movement artists and performance artists; however, it is open to everyone regardless of artistic or personal identifications. The aim of Silt is to provide participants with an accessible low stakes stage for experimentation and expression.
This edition of Silt will be held at Gerrard Art Space, an art gallery on Gerrard Street in the East end of Toronto. Gerrard Art Space is an active gallery and we ask that in no way are gallery walls to be touched or art work removed during performances.
Find more information about Gerrard Art Space Here!
Performers are currently selected by members of the Tuya Vale Artist Collective ( with the aim to encourage multiplicity and contrast. We do our best to provide opportunities to everyone who expresses interest. Video documentation will be provided upon request.
Silt is free to attend.
Silt is determined to be a recurring occurrence.

To respond to the open call please fill out the following form by April 30th
If you require any assistance in applying, or if you have any questions, please email

Performance Notes:
The performance takes place inside an active art gallery with art on the walls
The performance area measures 12 feet by 12 feet
Each performance is allotted 15 minutes
There is very minimal to no technical support
Video documentation will be provided upon request
Silt is not the place for hate speech or incitations
Please contact us ahead of time if you foresee your performance containing triggers
Application Deadline is April 30th
Gerrard Art Space
1475 Gerrard St East, Toronto
June 15 - 7pm
Admission is Free